An Insight Into The Best Managed Hosting For WordPress

Best Managed Hosting for WordPress
Best managed hosting for WordPress

Are you looking for a good managed hosting provider for your WordPress website and confused and stuck on which one to choose? 

Well, you are at the right place. This blog will cover everything you need to know about the best managed hosting for WordPress and how it works. Before getting onto that, we first need to understand why hosting is essential. 

A powerful hosting provider is behind every successful website, and your WordPress site is no exception. Therefore, choosing the right hosting for running your website smoothly is essential. Finding the right one takes time and effort, as your business deserves the best.

Hosting is a place where you store all the files, images and web pages and a web hosting company provides space for your website on a particular server. Each hosting provider has different plans to choose from and you need to choose a plan that is best for you. 

In this blog, we will see in detail what managed WordPress hosting is, when you should choose it, the things you’ll need to keep in mind when choosing a hosting service (plus a few recommendations), and the pros and cons of managed WordPress hosting and help you decide whether it’s right for you. 

Let’s get started.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting? 

As the name suggests, Managed WordPress Hosting is a type of hosting plan where the hosting provider manages your site and your server and is exclusively designed to handle WordPress websites. The hosting provider adds many features to your plan making it easier to manage, secure, and speed up your site. In addition, your website maintenance is taken care of, such as daily backups, installations, updates, and caching. 

Most businesses prefer this approach owing to the popularity and convenience that managed WordPress hosting provides. Businesses can enjoy optimum website performance and outstanding support and take some responsibility off their shoulders -while concentrating on other essential tasks. This makes it the most preferred choice by website owners. 

Why you should choose Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed hosting has several benefits, and let’s look at some of the reasons to choose the best managed hosting for WordPress websites. 

1. Simplicity

Managed WordPress hosting is easy to use and stress-free to set up. The ready-to-go platforms have all the features you need to go fast online and stay secure. You can launch, edit and optimize your WordPress website really quick. Also, it is most beneficial for beginners who face difficulty setting up an entire website. Normally, you may spend days or weeks trying to understand the technicalities to manage and control your website. With Managed WordPress hosting you can run several websites targeting different customers without thinking much of the technicalities as the hosting provider takes care of the details. If you have an existing website, the support team will help migrate your website across to a new host. 

2. Speed

If a web page takes longer than a few seconds to load, your visitor will head elsewhere. Google interprets your visitor’s action as disapproval and downranks your website in search results. If you manage your website on your own, you need to make sure your website is smooth and running smoothly. Managed wordpress hosting is optimized specially to host wordpress websites and the database is optimized regularly by the hosting provider which makes your site run fast.

3. Support

Most managed hosting providers offer 24/7 support, with a team of experts at every beck and call, and can be contacted through email, phone, and live chat. They also handle backups and software updates for you and perform administrative tasks that keep your WordPress site secure.  

4. Security

Managed WordPress hosting providers take care of all your security concerns as attackers constantly try to compromise your website. Keeping your website up to date and patching security holes is a full-time job. Managed hosting simplifies the task as the web host implements security strategies and monitors your website constantly for any suspicious activity, and restarts your website from recent backups if any significant breaches occur. 

5. Scalability

One of the most crucial web hosting considerations is scalability. For example, most business websites have relatively low traffic around the year but see a spike in visitors during holidays or sales events. A web hosting that runs fine when you have few visitors and crashes when busy is entirely useless. Massive surges in traffic can be hard to handle on your own, and managed hosting takes care of this. Managed WordPress hosting usually includes a service where your pages and files are cached automatically. The stress on your WordPress database is reduced considerably as they have staff and infrastructure to take care of unexpected surges in traffic promptly. Good managed hosting companies have the team and infrastructure to take care of any expected or unexpected surges in traffic promptly and effectively.

Best managed hosting for WordPress - WebSpaceKit's Pricing Plan

6. Value for money

Companies with a budget go towards unmanaged hosting as they assume managed hosting is expensive. However, managed hosting is on par with unmanaged hosting in price and packages that cost about ₹199/month. Considering the enormous amount of extra value you get from managed WordPress hosting, it can be a perfect choice. Have a look at some of the plans offered by WebSpaceKit. 

Things to look for in a Managed WordPress Host

Finding the best-managed WordPress hosting company and choosing the right plan can be taxing at times. When you are looking out for a web host, never fall into the trap of “the cheapest you find.” Sometimes you only get what you pay for, and sometimes, you must look for value in the company’s services. Here are a few things that you need to look for in the best managed hosting for WordPress. 

  1. Ensures fast, reliable, and secure service
  2. Configured specifically for WordPress website 
  3. Maintain daily backups of your website
  4. Ensures fast page loading speeds
  5. Guarantees your site’s security by providing free SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 
  6. Daily malware scans to keep threats out of the bay
  7. Staging and cloning environments so you can test out any significant changes before going live.
  8. Updates your site automatically and allows you to scale
  9. Provides you with an expert customer service team 24/7

Best Managed WordPress Hosting in 2022

Now that you know what web hosting is and why you need it, let’s look at the top 7 WordPress hosting providers in 2022. 

  1. WebSpaceKit
  2. Bluehost
  3. GoDaddy
  4. Hostinger 
  5. Cloudways 
  6. Dreamhost
  7. Kinsta

Choosing the best WordPress hosting provider for your website that meets all your needs can be challenging. You can read this blog, 7 Best WordPress Hosting Providers in India – A Detailed Comparison, to help you with the process of choosing the best WordPress hosting in India.

The pros and cons of managed WordPress hosting

The main benefit of managed hosting is that it is more hands-off and requires lesser technical knowledge. In addition, your hosting provider will help you keep your site in top form so that you can focus on your business instead of other tasks. 

Pros of managed WordPress hosting

  • Takes care of the updates for you and creates frequent backups for your site.
  • Scan your site for security threats and react quickly to deal with any issues that arise. 
  • Handles performance optimization and keeps your site running perfectly at all times. 
  • Configure your server to meet your needs.
  • Provide 24/7 support and answer any queries that you may have. 

Let us now see some of the cons of managed WordPress hosting.

Everything sounds pretty great, and now you may be wondering what the catch is. Though managed WordPress hosting is considered the best for businesses, it does have a few drawbacks.

  • Managed hosting plans are expensive when compared to other hosting variants. The cost of your plan depends on where you get your hosting from.
  • If you are technically savvy, you may want to configure your server and optimize your site’s performance and security on your own. Still, managed hosting does not allow you to do so, and you have to rely on your provider instead. Whether it is a pro or con depends on your knowledge and needs. 
  • Some managed WordPress hosts block certain plugins, especially database-intensive plugins. In addition, owing to providing security for users, some plugins may be restricted from being installed on their servers. 

Is managed WordPress hosting something that you need. 

Now that you have an idea of managed WordPress hosting, you can make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you and is it something you need. The best Managed WordPress Hosting service is any company that fits your business needs and is in line with your business goals and requirements.

Now if you want your WordPress website to have blazing performance, rock-solid security, and support, it’s time to move to Managed WordPress hosting

With managed hosting specially designed for WordPress users, it can be easily scalable and customizable, taking care of the hosting on your website. If you do not have time to customize your server and maintain it over time, managed hosting providers take care of everything. They ensure quality performance, maintenance, updates, backups, and monitor your site. In addition, you will have access to reliable support any time through multiple channels, and all this comes with affordable price plans that start at just ₹199/month. 

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you get the most from your WordPress site!

Why choose WebSpaceKit?

Choosing a WordPress-optimized hosting provider like WebSpaceKit for a WordPress website is advisable. Being the fastest WordPress hosting provider in India, WebSpaceKit is a relatively new hosting provider becoming the favorite for websites for its fast website loading times. With strategically placed servers in India and Singapore, WebSpaceKit offers the fastest load time in India of all the hosting providers and it is considered to be the best managed hosting for WordPress.

You can read this blog to know more about WebSpaceKit-which can be a good Bluehost alternative in India

Pricing and Plans

Hosting costs are an essential consideration as they exist for the lifetime of your website.  WebSpaceKit offers you different web hosting plans as follows that fit your businesses’ needs. They have two WordPress hosting plans starting at just ₹199/month.

Best managed hosting for WordPress - 
WebSpaceKit's Price Plan

Unlike other hosting providers who mostly have their servers in the US, WebSpaceKit has strategically placed its servers in India, Europe, and Singapore, thus increasing the speed of websites.

Best managed hosting for WordPress - WebSpacekit Data Centres

WebSpaceKit also takes it up a notch by providing users with a free SSL certificate and Business Email. In addition, it is to be noted that they provide daily backups for your WordPress website.

Why WebSpaceKit is perfect for your WordPress website

WebSpaceKit is perfect for WordPress
  1. Safe and Secure Hosting: You don’t have to worry about your website security when you’re hosted with us.
  2. Built especially for WordPress: Get your wordpress site live in a few seconds. You get everything you need right at your fingertips. 
  3. Fast load times: Every second counts when it comes to page loading speed. Your website will load in seconds to visitors. 
  4. Pricing: The hosting plans are well within reach of most users, especially those just starting. 
  5. User-friendly control panel: With an easy-to-use panel, you can launch your website with just the click of a button. 
  6. Daily Backups: You can restore your website anytime you want with daily backups included in all plans.

You can read this blog to know more about WebSpaceKit if this is the Best Hosting provider for your website.


To summarize, the best managed hosting for WordPress depends on the level of support you need and the budget you have. As you get more support and better infrastructure, your hosting cost will go up. Anyone who has a high-traffic WordPress website must seek out an experienced Managed WordPress Hosting Provider like WebSpaceKit. WordPress has unique resource demands, security concerns, and support that only a host specializing in WordPress can deliver. 

With its WordPress-specific plans, WebSpaceKit is crafted with everything you need for your WordPress website. It provides Managed WordPress hosting with WordPress-optimized servers and data centers, making your websites load faster and more securely. In addition, WebSpaceKit makes the entire process more manageable than a regular hosting provider as a WordPress-specific host. And although WebSpaceKit is a little pricey for beginners, considering the website speed, that’s a sort of long-term investment on your WordPress journey. And this investment pays off soon too, as website speed is one of the crucial factors to get higher rankings on Google search results. In short, WebSpaceKit is like a dream come true for beginners looking to host their WordPress websites.

Get in touch to learn more about how WebSpaceKit can help your business. 

Are you stuck with slow hosting? Get the best managed hosting for WordPress.

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